FAQ for International Summer Start

See below to get your answers to basic Summer Start questions. We hope you find them helpful!

Q: I have questions about Summer Start, who should I contact? [show/hide]

A: For Summer Start inquiries, email summers@ucsc.edu. Your question will be forwarded to the appropriate department or individual.

Q: What are the Summer Start dates? [show/hide]

A: Move-in is Sunday, July 27th. Monday and Tuesday are reserved for welcome events like tours, introductory sessions, visa check-in meetings, and similar activities. Wednesday you will participate in Summer Orientation and register for classes. Summer Start classes begin Thursday, July 31st and end Friday, September 12th.

Q: I am a newly admitted student and want to attend Summer Start, what is my next step? [show/hide]

A: Accept your admission via your MyUCSC portal by May 1. Then indicate you will come for Summer Start on your Financial Certificate documents (due by June 1).

Q: Do I have to register for Summer Start? [show/hide]

A: Yes. Please RSVP using this link and indicate you're attending on your Financial Certificate which is due by June 1, showing sufficient funds for fall, winter, spring, AND this summer. Click here to learn more about the Financial Certificate and other required documents.

Q: What is the Summer Start cost? [show/hide]

A: Seven weeks of classes, activities, campus recreation and facilities, housing and dining, medical insurance for summer, and much more, is included in one cost. We are estimating $5,781-$6,917 total cost for the program.

Q: Do I have to pay for medical insurance? [show/hide]

A: Medical Insurance coverage is required and you do have to pay for it. The cost of $619 will be billed directly to your student account. The medical insurance cost is included in the total Summer Start estimated cost of $5,781-$6,917.

Q: I plan to arrive in Santa Cruz before July 27, what are my housing options? [show/hide]

A: The University Town Center located in downtown Santa Cruz, and affiliated with UCSC, has rooms available during this time. Please email utcsummerhousing@ucsc.edu for availability.

Q: Do Summer Start students have to live on campus? [show/hide]

A: No, living on campus is not required to take part in this program.

Q: Will housing be included as part of Summer Start? [show/hide]

A: If you choose to live on campus, your housing fee for this program includes dining services, all meals, and extra slug-points for snacks, ice cream, coffee/tea.

Q: How do I apply for Summer Start Housing? [show/hide]

A: Apply for summer housing via the Student Housing Online page by May 28. Contact housing@ucsc.edu if you have any on-campus summer housing questions. You will receive housing and move-in information from the Summer Session Office.

Q: Where will I live during Summer Start if I choose to live on campus? [show/hide]

A: In the residence halls of College 9 & 10, on our beautiful campus with the other summer students. A great way to meet fellow Slugs and bond with lots of different people! Make plans to arrival in California on July 27th before 10:00am. Move-in is scheduled from 10:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday, July 27.

Q: How do I pay for Summer Start? [show/hide]

A: Full tuition, housing, and other fees are due before the program begins. You may pay with a credit card or with e-check (payment via US checking account) through the Summer Session payment page.  You will be emailed once your fees are assessed.

Q: If I am attending Summer Start, will I need to sign up for Summer Orientation? [show/hide]

A: No you do not need to register yourself. We will register you for the July 30th Summer Orientation once your Summer Start registration is confirmed.

Q: If I am attending Summer Start, do I still attend International Orientation in September? [show/hide]

A: Yes. All international students are expected to attend International Orientation in September. Registration information will be sent to your directly from the Orientation Office.

Q: When Summer Start finishes, where will I live? [show/hide]

A: If you are living on campus during the academic school year, you will move in to your fall dorm room (or apartment) on September 15th when you check in for the International Orientation.

Source :

UCSC Campus Orientation Programs
