Summer Orientation FAQ

Q: How do I make my Orientation reservation? [show/hide]

A: First complete the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) process, and then follow the steps below:
1. Log onto your MyUCSC portal 2. From the Main Menu, click on the Orientation Reservation link (link may take up to 24 hours appear after submitting the SIR)
3. Check the box for the date you want to attend and enter family/guest information
4. Registration deadline is June 4 (Register early, sessions fill up fast!)

Q: How do I pay for Orientation? [show/hide]

A: There are two methods to pay for orientation, on-line and by mail.
First Method:Pay online: ONE-TIME option to pay online at the time you register for orientation. At this time, you have the option of paying the total amount by electronic check or credit card.
~ Credit Card: Please note that if you choose to pay by credit card, UC Santa Cruz accepts MasterCard, Discover and American Express. You will need your account number, expiration date, and the name of the cardholder as it appears on the card. The only opportunity you will have to pay with credit card is at the time of registration.
~ E-check, you will need your checking or savings account number, bank routing number, bank name and the name of the person on the account.
Second Method: Pay by mail: Mail a check or money order,
~ Payable to: UC Regents (include your student ID number in the memo section)
~ Attach a copy of your orientation registration page from your MyUCSC portal
~ Mail to: UCSC Orientation Office, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Q: Will I see my department and college advisers at Orientation? [show/hide]

A: Yes. You will learn about major requirments from department advisers. College advisers will provide an introduction to the college system and provide information you need now to begin a strong path towards graduation. Student Orientation Leaders are also available to assist you with course enrollment and to answer student-life questions.

Q: Will I be able to enroll in classes during Orientation? [show/hide]

A: Students will enroll in classes after 1:30 p.m. on their scheduled orientation day. Advisers and Orientation Leaders will be available to assist at all enrollment sites during orientation.

Q: I am attending the overnight orientation and have a registered guest/family member attending with me, will my family member/guest be able to stay on-campus with me? [show/hide]

A: No. Overnight accommodations are only for students registered for the overnight program.

Q: I registered for orientation but did not receive a confirmation. How do I know my reservation went through? [show/hide]

A: Your Orientation Reservation page is now your confirmation page; a check mark appears next to your chosen orientation date. In early July, additional information will be emailed along with the confirmation letter to your UCSC email address with specific arrival information and a list of items to bring to Orientation.

Q: I am unable to attend orientation because I cannot afford the fee? [show/hide]

A: We are committed to assisting students and family members to attend orientation. You should email the Orientation Office at to learn about payment assistance options by June 4th.

Q: I want to change my orientation reservation, how do I do this? [show/hide]

A: The student must email the Orientation Office at as soon as you know you need to make the change. Changes are not guaranteed.

Q: I cannot attend summer orientation, when do I register for classes and what other support do I receive? [show/hide]

A: Attending an on-campus orientation is highly recommended. It is expected that all students participate in an on-campus orientation program. All students receive a series of Online Assignments (Successful Slug Sequence) before and after summer orientation. The Online Assignment is intended to help you learn about campus resources and make your transition to university life smoother. The SLUG Sequence (online orientation support) is a series of web-based sessions which assist you in becoming more informed with your campus resources and orientation expectations. You will receive the series within the months of June, July and August. This Successful Slug Sequence/Online Assignment fee includes the Pre-Orientation/Part 1 Online Assignment, Post Orientation/Part 2 Online Assignment, and all related Fall Welcome Week Support. A $30 fee for this support applies if you do not make an on-campus orientation reservation. After June 4th, you will see the $30 fee on your student account, and you it will be noted in your Orientation Reservation page on your MyUCSC portal.

To learn about Placement Exams, and if you need to take any, visit the sites below:
Math Placement Exam
Chemistry Self-Assessment
Language Placement Exams
Spanish Placement Exam

Source :

UCSC Summer Orientation Program